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Is your baby on the move, well yes we need to give the right nutrition right from the 6 months + for giving that nutrition push to the body development and for energy for physical activities. Our 4 Fruit Purees for Babies is one such recipe that is to be started once the baby weaning is in the progress.

4 Instant Fruit Purees for Babies

4 FRUIT PUREES for Babies

We have used Mango, Papaya, Chickoo, and Banana for preparing the varieties for Fruit purees. We can give 4 Fruit Purees for 6 months + Babies 

4 Instant Fruit Purees for Babies

1. Banana Puree for Babies

Can be given to 6 months plus baby.

Benefits of Banana for Babies

• Rich in Potassium, Calcium, and Vitamins B6, B2, and C

• Rich in fiber and also helps in digestion and prevents constipation

Banana is peeled and mashed with a fork in a bowl, we can keep it fully mashed or allow a texture for chewing as well. Now it’s ready to serve.

Banana purees for babies

2. Papaya Puree for Babies

Can be given to 6 months plus baby

Benefits of Papaya for Babies

• Improves digestion and boosts immunity

• Aids metabolism and cures constipation

• Eliminates intestinal worms

• Rich in Vitamin A, C, E and helps absorb Iron

Papaya slices are added to a mashing bowl and using a fork mash it completely or make it texture full, if the baby requires full puree then initially we can puree it in a blender and slowly increase the texture. Papaya puree is ready to serve.

Papaya purees for babies

3. Mango Puree for Babies

Mango Puree can be given to babies after 6 months

Benefits of Mango for Babies

• Easily digestible and improves immunity

• Rich in Vitamins C, B, Proteins, and Potassium

• Enables brain development and is good for eyesight

Slice two pieces of Mango and put them in a bowl. Using a fork mash it, either keep it little texture full or blend it using a blender. Mango puree is ready to serve.

Mango purees for babies

4. Chickoo/ Sapota Puree for Babies

Chickoo or Sapota puree can be given to babies after 7 months

Benefits of Chikoo for Babies

• Cures diarrhea and dysentery

• Cures cold and cough

• A good supply of antioxidants and minerals

• Rich in Iron, Potassium, and Vitamins like C, B

Chickoo is peeled and sliced into a bowl for mashing. Use a fork to mash it well, now Chickoo Puree is ready to be served.

Sapoto purees for baby

Video: 4 Instant Fruit Purees for Babies

4 Instant Fruit Purees for Babies

4 Fruit Purees for Babies

Winter special fruits puree for travel friendly and easy snack for the baby's and the mother to prepare a meal or a snack with essentially rich nutrition.

Author:Kavitha Prashanth
Recipe Type: Breakfast, evening snacks, dinner


  1. Banana
  2. Papaya
  3. Sapota
  4. Mango


Banana Puree

  • Banana is peeled and mashed with a fork in a bowl, we can keep it fully mashed or allow a texture for chewing as well. Now its ready to serve.

Papaya Puree

  • Papaya slices are added to a mashing bowl and using a fork mash it completely or make it texture full, if the baby requires full puree then initially we can puree it in a blender and slowly increase the texture. Papaya puree is ready to serve.

Mango Puree

  • Slice two pieces on Mango and put it in a bowl. Using a fork mash it, either keep it little texture full or blend it using a blender. Mango puree is ready to serve.

Chikoo Puree

  • Chickoo is peeled and sliced to a bowl for mashing. Use a fork mash it well, now Chickoo Puree is ready to be served.


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4 Instant Fruit Purees for Babies

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